Hardship / Whānaungatanga

No boy will miss out at St John’s if their family is in some kind of  hardship. 

Family Spirit is a pillar we live by every day in our relationships with students, and this extends to our student’s whānau too. Together with our wider community, we can help in so many ways if we  know you’re struggling to make ends meet, or support your son to participate in everything he wants to do here at school. But we can't help if we don't know - see the emails and names below to make contact. Here’s some examples of how we can assist:

Weetbix Breakfast Break 1

Every day, Break 1 in the MC Lounge students can drop in and grab some Weetbix if they’ve missed breakfast. No questions asked, cruisy and easy, they just need to wash their bowl afterwards!

Lunches Break 2

Sandwiches and fruit supplied by  the wonderful folk at St Vincent de Paul are available from the Learning Support Room window (opens out to the courtyard) every Break 2. No questions asked, handy if you’ve just forgotten your lunch one day too.


Every mufti day our community donates non-perishable cans and pasta etc to our very own Foodbank. If you need help to feed your family please let us know and we can drop a parcel to your door. Please let our community help you – because we’re whānau, that’s what we do.

Meals in a Crisis

A death in the family, illness or other family circumstances can knock us sideways. Our “Johnnie’s Angels” provide home cooked meals to help you through those initial weeks. Thanks to the PTFA who run this service – we keep this anonymous, helpers are simply asked to provide a meal, no names change hands.


A 2nd hand shop runs online where uniform items are sold quite cheaply, but we’ll also donate uniform and shoes if students need them. Just let us know what you need.


Such an expensive time at the beginning of the year getting your boys sorted for school – if you can’t manage the stationery order let us know. We have  a supply here and can get the basics to your son.

School Charges / Invoices

Your son will not miss out if you can’t pay all your school charges or Diocesan Attendance Dues. But please let us know so together we can work on ways to ease that pressure for you. Really important to tell us if you can’t pay for an after hours activity like sport, we’ll find a way to help.

Diocesan Attendance Dues

That’s the bill from the RC Bishop of Hamilton that comes every term. If you cannot afford to pay that, you can apply for hardship relief. Talk to our Finance Office for an application form

Please Ask for Help

Of course we’ll keep any request confidential and we’ll be super discreet in the ways we can help. Tell us for yourself, or let us know about another family that needs a hand. Drop us an email to [email protected] or call direct to speak with one of these people:

School or Diocesan Bill: Mrs Kim Vernon, Finance, 07 856 7091 ext 2821 – she’s lovely!

Student or Whanau Support: Mrs Carolyn Morris, Head of Counselling 07 856 7091 ext 2747 or Mr Dom Kay, Deputy Principal 07 856 7091 ext 2750 – they’re lovely too!